

XR Competition | European Premiere
Scarecrow © Sngmoo Lee, Jihyun Jung | K'ARTS AT
Scarecrow © Sngmoo Lee, Jihyun Jung | K'ARTS AT

Given the exceptional circumstances linked to the COVID-19 epidemic, postponed to 2021 edition. Thanks for understanding.

“This one-on-one VR immersive theatre piece converges gaming, thermal haptic, dance, and painting and invites you to enter a surreal, Sisyphean world—where you must figure out how to save the scarecrow from an eternal spell of hundreds of attacking firebirds. How can you find a way to bring about a meaningful moment of tenderness to its life? What will it take to release the scarecrow from seemingly endless danger and into eternal freedom?” lots of hugging and love.

Lead Artist Sngmoo Lee, Jihyun Jung
Production K'ARTS AT (Korea)
Genre Fiction
Duration 15'
Year 2020
Language English
Format VR 6DOF - Immersive Theatre Piece

Scarecrow trailer © Sngmoo Lee, Jihyun Jung | K'ARTS AT

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