
Lone Wolves Stick Together

Kjell Vassdal, Nadja Lipsyc


Societal norms and us

A propos du project

Inspired by the movie Stalker by Tarkovsky, Lone Wolves Stick Together stages an expedition venturing an uncanny zone called “the Woods” in hopes of finding a miraculous chamber; the one place where your most intimate desire will come true. The players will explore an immersive, expressionist and highly sensorial environment, while developing the psychology of their characters and bonding with each other. Through several narrative mechanics, they become the authors, directors and actors of their experience.

Genre Other
Format At Home, Free Roam, 6 Dof, Installation
Platforme Htc Vive, Oculus Rift, Unity, Unreal

Makropol (Denmark), Breach VR (Norway)



Date d’achèvement prévue 15/07/2022
Budget prévisionnel
500 000€


Artiste/s principal/aux Nadja Lipsyc (Creator),
Rikke Jansen (Technical Artist),
Sindre Grønvoll (Art Director),
Marius Thorvaldsen (Producer)
Producteur/s Mads Damsbo

Ils seront présents sur le XR Financing Market

Nadja Lipsyc

Experience Director

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